If you are not sure which color to use, choose the lighter shade.
For strong, natural-looking hair without any grey.
Lasts up to 28 washes.
- For the application on first grey hair we recommend to leave the mixture on for 5 minutes. For more than a few greys, we recommend to leave application mixture on for a few more minutes.
Step 1
Before starting the application, place protective clothing and a watch nearby, so that you can monitor the application time.
Step 2
Put on the gloves supplied and unscrew the cap of the application bottle. Open the tube of Color Gel by piercing the tube sealing with the reverse side of the cap. Squeeze the entire content of the tube into the application bottle. Close the application bottle tightly.
Shake application bottle well until contents are completely mixed.
Step 3
Unscrew the cap of the developer bottle and attach the Speed-Applicator.
The Color Gel is ready. Start applying immediately.
(Note: the color of the product has no bearing on the final color result.)
Step 4
Apply MEN PERFECT with the Speed-Applicator on dry hair. The amount of the application mixture needed depends on the length and density of your hair. Disperse the mixture until your hair is thoroughly covered – apply in the opposite direction of hair growth.
Step 5
If desired, massage in the mixture like a shampoo at the end of the application to get an even dispersion.
To prevent color spots at the hair line, wipe away excess mixture during processing time.
After the processing time is completed, shampoo your hair with lukewarm water and rinse out thoroughly (until water runs clear) using a mild shampoo.
Step 6
The result: a discreet, natural-looking hair color. Style as usual.
For a perfect styling try the styling products from Schwarzkopf.